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姓 名: | 刘义 | |||||
职 称: | 教授 | |||||
导师类别: | 博导 | |||||
系 室: | 环境与安全工程系 | |||||
研究领域: | 化工过程安全;氢能安全; 防火与防爆;危险化学品安全; | |||||
电子邮箱: | liuyi@upc.edu.cn | |||||
联系电话: | 0532-86980603 | |||||
◎教育背景 | ||||||
1996.09-2000.07,淮南工业聚力体育爆炸技术及应用学科,工学学士 2000.09-2003.06,安徽理工大学应用化学学科,理学硕士 2003.09-2006.06,中国科学技术大学安全技术与工程学科,博士研究生 2014.03-2015,05,美国Texas A&M University,访问学者 | ||||||
◎工作经历 | ||||||
2006.07-2008.12, 环境与安全工程系,讲师 2009.01-2015.05, 环境与安全工程系,副教授 2020.01- 至今, 环境与安全工程系,教授 | ||||||
◎研究方向 | ||||||
[1] 化工过程安全:动态风险评估、本质安全评估、园区智慧安全风险监控系统、深度学习在化工安全中的应用等; [2] 氢能安全:氢燃爆事故模拟与应急决策系统开发、加氢站灾害动力学演化规律等; [3] 防火与防爆:气、液、固火焰传播机理和反应动力学等; [4] 危险化学品安全:危险化学品热解动力学研究等; | ||||||
◎科研项目 | ||||||
[1] 2021,国家重点研发计划任务,氢燃爆事故动态重构及应急决策平台开发与示范。 [2] 2020,兖矿科技规划项目,加氢站灾害动力学演化规律与安全防控关键技术研究。 [3] 2020,京博集团技术服务项目,事故案例分析与应急管理提升。 [4] 2019,山东省重大科技创新工程项目,基于化工过程安全关键技术的化工园区智慧安全风险管控系统研究。 [5] 2019,国家重点研发计划课题,公共安全风险防控与应急技术装备。 [6] 2011-2013,国家自然科学基金青年基金,乙烯/聚乙烯复合火焰燃烧特性及传播机理研究。 [7] 2011-2013,中国石油十二五科技专项,HAZOP专家系统开发和在役装置SIL评估及应用研究。 [8] 2009-2011,中国石油大学自主创新基金项目,纳米粉体灭火剂的制备及其灭火机理研究。 | ||||||
◎代表性论文及专利 | ||||||
1.论文 [1] 刘义*, 田悦, 赵东风, 杨朝合. 新工科背景下化工安全复合型人才培养研究. 高等理科教育, 2021,(2):39-44; [2] 刘义*, 钟玉发, 赵东风等. 高校化工实验室过程安全领先指标研究. 实验技术与管理, 2020, 37(1)275-280. [3] 刘义*, 刘尚志, 赵东风等. 高校化工类风险辨识评价方法研究. 实验技术与管理, 2020, 37(12)288-291. [4] 孟亦飞, 赵东风, 刘义等.“三个不断线”创新化工安全专业硕士培养模式. 高等理科教育, 2019, (4):85-89. [5] 刘义*, 王宇, 孟亦飞等. 杨苹等安全教育融入化工专业实习的探索与实践. 化学教育, 2018, 39(2):60-65. [6] 刘义*, 印佳, 杨苹等.中美化工安全本科教育对比. 化学教育, 2018, 39(18):77-81. [7] 韩丰磊, 刘杰夫, 赵东风, 赵朝成, 刘义, 孟亦飞.化工安全高层次人才学位教育模式的建设与实践. 实验室研究与探索. 2018,37(12):192-195. [8] 孟亦飞, 赵东风, 杨朝合, 刘义, 刘丽, 辛雪. 适应行业发展,培育应用型紧缺人才——化工安全复合型人才培养课程体系探索. 化工高等教育. 2018,35(01):13-16, 38. [9] 刘义*, 古家磊, 王世浩等. 过程安全管理在化工实验室中的应用. 实验技术与管理, 2017, 34(12)268-271. [10]李石, 赵东风, 路念明, 陆旭, 平平, 刘义. 化工安全复合型人才培养模式探讨. 高等理科教育. 2016, (06):84-89. [11]Yi Liu*, Jian Chen, Mingqi Bai, Zhongxu He, Chi-Min Shu, Nitin Roy. Experimental study on explosion behavior of propane-dimethyl ether blends. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022,77:104777. [12]Hui Xu, Yi Liu*, Chi-Min Shu, Mingqi Bai, Mailidan Motalifu, Zhongxu He, Shuncheng Wu, Penggang Zhou, Bing Li. Cause analysis of hot work accidents based on text mining and deep learning. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022,76:104747. [13]Bai, Mingqi, Yi Liu*, Meng Qi, Nitin Roy, Chi-Min Shu, Faisal Khan, and Dongfeng Zhao. Current status, challenges, and future directions of university laboratory safety in China. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2022,74:104671. [14]Motalifu, Mailidan, Yue Tian, Yi Liu*, Dongfeng Zhao, Mingqi Bai, Yufeng Kan, Meng Qi, Genserik Reniers, and Nitin Roy. Chemical process safety education in China: An overview and the way forward. Safety Science, 2022,148: 105643. [15]Meng Qi, Jaewon Lee, Seokyoung Hong, Jeongdong Kim, Yi Liu, Jinwoo Park, II Moon. Flexible and efficient renewable -power-to methane concept enabled by liquid CO2 energy storage: Optimization with power allocation and storage sizing. Energy, 2022, 256:124583 [16]Meng Qi, Minsu Kim, Nguyen Dat Vo, Liang Yin, Yi Liu, Jinwoo Park, Il Moon. Proposal and surrogate-based cost-optimal design of an innovative green ammonia and electricity co-production system via liquid air energy storage. Applied Energy, 2022,314:118965 [17]Qiao Wang, Xinjiao Luo, Changjian Wang, Yi Liu, Penggan Zhou, Bing Li. Experimental study on external explosion for vented hydrogen deflagration in a rectangular tube with different vent coefficients. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022,158: 331-339. [18]Zhihui Zhang, Quan Li, Yi Liu, Wei Wang, Jia Han, Changjian Wang, Haiping Yuan. Experimental study on the effect of fan-shaped water mist on horizontal under-expanded hydrogen jet flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47, 14008-14016. [19]Xing Yu, Wenjing Ya, Yi Liu, Penggang Zhou, Bing Li , Changjian Wang. The flame mitigation effect of vertical barrier wall in hydrogen refueling stations. Fuel, 2022,315,123265 [20]Li, Jie, Floris Goerlandt, Genserik Reniers, Changgen Feng, and Yi Liu. Chinese international process safety research: Collaborations, research trends, and intellectual basis. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022, 74:104657. [21]Qi, Meng, Jinwoo Park, Robert Stephen Landon, Jeongdong Kim, Yi Liu, and Il Moon. Continuous and flexible Renewable-Power-to-Methane via liquid CO2energy storage: Revisiting the techno-economic potential. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022,153:111732. [22]Tian, Yue, Dongfeng Zhao, Chi-Min Shu, Nitin Roy, Meng Qi, and Yi Liu*. Study on thermal stability and thermal decomposition mechanism of 1-((cyano-1-methylethyl) azo) formamide. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021,155: 219-29. [23]Zhang, Haoran, Mingqi Bai, Xinyu Wang, Jianing Gai, Chi-Min Shu, Nitin Roy, and Yi Liu*. 2021. Thermal runaway incidents-a serious cause of concern: An analysis of runaway incidents in China. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 155: 277-86. [24]Yi Liu*,Yaoguang Zhang, Dongfeng Zhao, Mingqi Bai, Chi-MinShu. Effects of initial temperature and pressure on explosion characteristics of propane–diluent–air mixtures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, (72) :104585. [25]Jingjing Xia, Yi Liu*, Dongfeng Zhao,Yue Tian, Jianguo Li, Yufa Zhong, Nitin Roy. Human factors analysis of China's confined space operation accidents from 2008 to 2018. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, (71) :104480. [26]Mingqi Bai, Yi Liu*, Lu Liu, Jia Yin, Yaoguang Zhang, Dongfeng Zhao, Nitin Roy. Kinetics of polyethylene pyrolysis in the atmosphere of ethylene. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, 144:383–391. [27]Yi Liu*, Yuxiao Li, Dongfeng Zhao, Hanhai Dong. Effect of initial pressure on explosion characteristics of 2, 3, 3, 3–tetrafluoropropene. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, (69) :104320. [28]Hanhai Dong, Yi Liu*, Yuxiao Li, Dongfeng Zhao. Effect of initial temperature on explosion characteristics of 2, 3, 3, 3–Tetrafluoropropene. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, (68) :104324. [29]Meng Qi, Yulin Liu, Robert Stephen Landon, Yi Liu, Il Moon. Assessing and mitigating potential hazards of emerging grid-scaleelectrical energy storage systems. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2021,149:994-1016 [30]Wei Wang,Yi Liu*,Dongfeng Zhao, Jian, Yanchun Wang,Hanhai Dong. Major explosion at Yibin Hengda Technology Company: The causes and lessons learned. Process Safety Progress,2020, 39: e12099. [31]Hanhai Dong, Yi Liu*, Dongfeng Zhao, Meng Qi, Jian Chen, Yanchun Wang, Wei Wang. Lessons learned from analyzing an explosion at Shanghai SECCO petrochemical plant. Process Safety Progress,2020, 39: e12094. [32]Yi Liu*, Yaoguang Zhang, Dongfeng Zhao, Jia Yin, Lu Liu, Chi-Min Shu. Experimental study on explosion characteristics of Hydrogen-propane mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019, 44(40),22712-22718. [33]Meng Qi, Jiayong Zhu, Jiaming Xu, Dongfeng Zhao, Yi Liu. Investigation of Inherently Safer Design through Process Intensification: Novel Safety Assessment Methodology and Case Study in C3-Alkyne Hydrogenation Distillation Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(12): 4866-4880. [34]Yi Liu*,Yu Wang,Chi-Min Shu,Dongfeng Zhao, Wanghua Chen, Jun Zhang. Molecular simulation and experimental study on thermal decomposition of N, N-dinitrosopentamethylenetetramine, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 133(1):673–682. [35]Yi Liu*,Xuezhi Wang, Chi-Min Shu, Yu Wang, Dongfeng Zhao, Wanghua Chen, Jun Zhang, Jia Yin. Thermal hazard evolution on guanidine nitrate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 133(1):659-671. [36]Yi Liu*, Huan Zhou, Lu Liu. Firefighting Emergency Capability Evaluation on Crude Oil Tank Farm. Procedia Engineering, 2018, 211, 506-513. [37]Yazhen Wang, Yi Liu, Faisal Khan and Syed Imtiaz. Semiparametric PCA and Bayesian Network based Process Fault Diagnosis Technique. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 95(9): 1800–1816. [38]Ming Chen, Dongfeng Zhao, Yi Liu, Fei Li, Shi Li. Study on Preparation and Extinguishing Fire Ability of KHCO3/γ-Al2O3 Composites. Chemistry Letters, 2015, 44(11):1552–1554. [39]刘义*.一种负载型干粉灭火剂及其制备方法, 2014.07.09, 中国, 专利号:ZL201110412261.0. [40]刘义*,赵东风,路帅等. 聚乙烯粉体输送系统安全可接受程度分析方法[J].石油化工高等学校学报, 2010,23(2):72-75. [41]刘义*.聚乙烯装置改造前后料仓静电危险性对比分析[J].河北大学学报(自然科学版), 2010,30(5):516-520. [42]张印,赵东风,刘义*.基于FLACS的CH4/CO2/air混合气爆炸参数分析. 中国安全生产科学技术. 2016, 12(18):36-40. 2.专利 [1] 刘义*.一种负载型干粉灭火剂及其制备方法, 2014.07.09, 中国, 专利号:ZL201110412261.0. | ||||||
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◎代表性著作 | ||||||
[1] 《化工过程安全基本原理与应用》(译).中国石油大学出版社, 2017.9,排序第三; [2] 《过程安全事故解析》(译).中国石油大学出版社, 2015.9,排序第三; [3] 《化工过程安全管理实施指南》. 中国石化出版社,2014.6,排序第三; [4] 《:Ρ媸妒涤梅椒-适用于运行和维护人员》(译).中国石油大学出版社,2013.8,排序第二; [5] 《炼化在役装置工艺:Ψ治鲋改稀. 石油工业出版社. 2011.11,排序第七; [6] 《化学化工实验室安全管理规范》(T/CCSAS 005-2019); [7] 《危险化学品经营企业安全技术基本要求》(GB18265-2019)。 | ||||||
◎获奖情况及荣誉称号 | ||||||
[1] 全国石油和化工教育教学名师,中国化工教育协会,2021; [2] 全国石油和化工教育优秀教学团队,中国化工教育协会,2019,排序第二; [3] 中国石油大学(华东)优秀教师,2013。 | ||||||
◎执教课程 | ||||||
本科生:《化工安全与环保》、《化工过程安全》、《新生研讨课》、《化工安全综合设计》、《化工安全前沿知识讲座》 研究生:《化工过程安全》 | ||||||
◎招收及指导研究生情况 | ||||||
1.指导研究生情况 截至2022年,共指导全日制研究生42人,非全日制研究生10人,已毕业全日制研究生20人。 2.招生专业及要求 可招收能源资源与环境学术博士、安全工程专业博士、安全科学与工程学术硕士、安全工程和化学工程专业硕士研究生。 | ||||||
◎学术兼职 | ||||||
[1] 美国化学工程师协会化工过程安全中心——中国分部副主任; [2] 美国化学工程师协会SAChE聚力体育会聚力体育; [3] 中国化工学会会员。 | ||||||